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Hi Folks! I’ve recently become aware of a site called Fishing.org and thought that we, at Fishthesurf.net, might share some thoughts with you. Of immediate interest, I found the site’s ability to quickly link you to license and regulation info for your state. In…
Fish The Surf with Lee Samson is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime! That’s right – we’re finally casting our nets in the digital ocean! DVD player not working? No problem – you can rent or purchase the full-length video with all…
Fish The Surf with Lee Samson, considered by many as one of the best instructional fishing videos, is now available on iTunes! The full-length video with all seven chapters can be streamed or downloaded online. VISIT iTUNES>>
The earliest depictions of “anglers”, as yet discovered, date back thousands of years and include both ancient Egyptians and Chinese using a rod, a line and an angle – a material bent to the shape of a hook. With this thought in mind, it…
If there are any great lessons to be taken from life, from experience, or from a body of water, one is likely to be that what we have learned in one instance can serve us well in another. Consider the last time you walked…
The Chesapeake, the Virginia and the North Carolina coastal waters offer some of the richest fishing waters and most beautiful boating experiences one may have. But the idea of heading offshore in Hatteras in a 17 foot Aquasport is not one to be considered…